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IB Natural Sciences (Group 4)

Six subjects are offered by the IB:

  • Biology

  • Computer Science

  • Chemistry

  • Design technology

  • Physics

  • Sports, exercise and health science

At Arham Academy we specialize in delivering Physics, Chemistry and Biology at both standard and higher levels.

Most IB courses go under revision and change every few years and the science courses are no exceptions. The IB revised its science courses in 2016 and the first examination was conducted in May 2016. Physics is delivered at standard level, which requires 150 hours of teaching, as well as higher level, which requires 240 hours of teaching.

Newton's Pendulum


IB Physics

At Arham Academy, we provide courses as well as private help sessions for both Physics SL and Physics HL students. The physics syllabus content can be found here. A brief outline of the syllabus is provided below (This is not an exhaustive list):

Core Content: ​

  1. Measurement and Uncertainty

  2. Mechanics: motion, forces, energy, momentum

  3. Thermal Physics: temperature and energy, gas model

  4. Oscillations and waves: travelling waves, wave behaviours, standing waves

  5. Electricity and magnetism: Electric fields, voltage and current, Ohm's law, Magnetic effect of electric current

  6. Circular motion and gravitation

  7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics: Discrete energy and radioactivity, nuclear reactions, the structure of matter 

  8. Energy production: Energy sources and thermal energy transfer

Additional HL Content:

  9. Wave phenomena: Simple harmonic motion, single and double-slit           diffraction, interference, resolution, the Doppler effect

  10. Fields: Electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, etc.

  11. Electromagnetic induction: power generation and transmission, capacitance

  12.Quantum and nuclear physics: photoelectric effect, uncertainty principle, quantum tunnelling, Bohr's model, etc.

Option Topics (for paper 3 only):

  1. Relativity

  2. Engineering Physics

  3. Imaging

  4. Astrophysics

IB Phyiscs Examination

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IB Chemistry
Chemistry Class


At Arham Academy, we provide courses as well as private help sessions for both Chemistry SL and Physics HL students. The Chemistry syllabus content can be found here. A brief outline of the syllabus is provided below (This is not an exhaustive list):

Core Content: ​

  1. Stoichiometric relationships: the mole concept, reacting masses and volumes, etc.

  2. Atomic structure: nuclear atom, electron configuration, etc.

  3. Periodicity: Periodic table and periodic trends, etc.

  4. Chemical bonding and structure: Ionic bonding and structure, covalent bonding and structure, intermolecular forces, metallic bonding, etc.

  5. Thermochemistry: Measuring energy changes, Hess's law, bond enthalpy, etc.

  6. Chemical kinetics: Collision theory and rates of reactions, etc.

  7. Equilibrium: the concept of equilibrium, etc.

  8. Acids and bases: theory and properties of acids and bases, pH scale, strong and weak acids and bases, acid deposition, etc.

  9. Redox processes: Oxidation and reduction, electrochemical cells, etc.

  10. Organic chemistry: fundamentals of organic chemistry, functional groups and classes, etc.

  11. Measurement and data processing: Uncertainties and errors, graphical techniques, etc.

Additional HL Content:

12. Atomic structure: Electrons in atoms, etc.

13. Periodic table: transition metals, d-block metals, coloured complexes, etc.

14. Chemical bonding and structure: further aspects of covalent bonding and structure, hybridization, etc.

15. Thermochemistry: Energy cycles, entropy and spontaneity, etc.

16. Chemical kinetics: rate expression and reaction mechanism, activation energy, etc.

17. Equilibrium: the equilibrium law, etc.

18. Acids and bases: Lewis acids and bases, calculations involving acids and bases, pH curves, etc.

19. Redox processes: Electrochemical cells, cell potentials, etc.

20. Organic chemistry: Types of organic reactions, synthetic routes, stereoisomerism, etc.

21. Measurement and analysis

Option Topics (for paper 3 only):

  1. Materials

  2. Biochemistry

  3. Energy

  4. Medicinal chemistry


IB Chemistry Examination

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IB Biology


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